Frequently Asked Questions
Mondaine offers FREE standard shipping on all orders within the United States. Read more on our Shipping Policy, here.
If you are not completely satisfied with your Mondaine purchase, we gladly accept your return of the merchandise within 15 days following the delivery of your purchase. The item must be in perfect and sellable condition, with orginal packaging and wrapping and must be processed through our return portal.
For more information on how to return an item, visit our Returns section.
Before you place your order, you can view the contents and the total amount in your shopping basket. Once your order is placed, it cannot be modified.
You will be notified by e-mail with your order confirmation and tracking number once your order has shipped. Please check your email spam folder if you do not see it in your regular inbox.
If an item in your order is out of stock after your order has been placed, that item will be canceled from your order and you will recieve a notification via email. All in-stock items in your order will be shipped to you.
You can download your manual from our Manual Directory.
A battery life varies usually from 2 to 3 years depending on the type of watch, its dimensions and the amount of energy required by the different functions. For instance, a chronograph will have a higher energy consumption than a watch indicating the hours and minutes only.
Some Mondaine watches feature a power preserve indicator: Once the second-hand starts moving in 4-seconds intervals, it is time to have the battery replaced by a qualified watchmaker.
Like any high-precision instrument, a watch needs to be serviced regularly in order for it to work perfectly. We cannot indicate the intervals for such servicing, given that it depends entirely on the model, climate and the care taken by the watch’s owner. As a general rule, it is between 3 and 4 years, depending on the usage of the watch.
Depending on use, the lifetime is from 6-12 months.
Any malfunction in materials and workmanship during the warranty period of your watch will be repaired free of charge with the presentation of the warranty certificate and timepiece. Any damage resulting from inappropriate use is excluded from the warranty, as is the battery, crystal, and wear to the case and strap or bracelet.
Please email us at SALES@LUMONDI.COM for more information on our authorized wholesale retail program within the United States. For a list of our current authorized retailers please visit our Store Locator here
Yes, please email INFO@LUMONDI.COM ,with subject Influencer Partnerships. Be sure to include the following information:
- Country of origin
- Your first and last name
- Telephone number
- Email address
- Any links to your social media pages
Your request will be forwarded directly by our Digital & Social Media Department who will review it and contact you directly at their earliest convenience.