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Jessie Shapiro

Meet Jessie, a busy, working mom who spends her days on the front lines as an RN in an endoscopy lab and her evenings chasing around two young kids.

We like to think that time is the most precious resource that we have. What time do you cherish most?

I cherish my time spent with friends and family. I absolutely love taking my kids out and about to art museums, restaurants, and local parks. Whenever I get the chance, I enjoy spending time with my girlfriends, usually over drinks and delicious food.

Tell us about the last time you were enjoying yourself so much, you lost track of time.

This year I was so excited to actually spend my birthday night out with my husband and our group of friends. The past couple years COVID has kept us home, but this year we were able to eat a nice dinner together as a group and then sing karaoke. Time flew by so quickly when I was belting out my favorite tunes in our own private karaoke room, I couldn’t believe how quickly the night passed.

What’s one practice you’ve implemented in order to decrease your carbon footprint? How would you say this change affected you?

Over the past couple of years I have made an effort to either ride the bus to work or commute by bike. I only live a few miles away from my place of work, so commuting by bus or bike is an easy way for me to decrease my carbon footprint. I have been surprised by how much I have enjoyed riding the bus to work; it gives me time to listen to my podcasts and catch up on my messages from the day so I can focus on my family when I arrive home. Biking to work has also become a meditation time for me because I typically bike to work so early that I am one of the only people out on the street; I get that time alone to clear my head and focus my mind.

Where in your life do you find the most creative inspiration?

I live in an urban setting and I am constantly inspired by the community around me; from budding restaurateurs, talented muralists, or our vibrant local drag scene, there is no shortage of people sparking joy and fostering creativity around me.

What makes you proud to wear a Mondaine watch?

Being a nurse and a mom, it’s not often that I get to feel glamorous. Most of the time I am taking care of someone else, whether it be patients at work or my children at home. When I put on my Mondaine watch, I immediately feel chic and I can feel my energy and confidence perk up. It’s a small thing that helps me remember that it’s worth it to take time to care for myself.

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