Natalie Costello
Hi! My name is Natalie Costello, and I'm the creator of the sustainable fashion & lifestyle blogSustainably Chic!

We like to think that time is the most precious resource that we have. What time do you cherish most?
My family and my blog are my top priorities. If I spend my time wisely on my blog, I can have more time with my family. I feel as if at this point in my life, it's really about making the best of my job so I can put more energy and time into my family.
Managing my time hasn't always been my strong suit, but I've become very scheduled today, especially as a mom. I don't want to waste time doing things that aren't progressing my work or cherishing my family & friends - although I'm sure I do, at times!
As we say at Mondaine, sustainability is in our DNA. We strive every day to improve our impact on the planet. What sustainability practices have you incorporated into your everyday live?
Sustainability is a journey, and it looks different for everyone - just like it looks different for every brand. What works for me may not work for you, but the important thing is to try and take it slow. There is no perfection, just progression.

What do you like most about your Mondaine watch?
I started to wear watches more often to get away from looking at my phone. Not only does my Mondaine make me more present with my family, but it also makes me feel connected to my other home, Switzerland. I have dual citizenship, so having a Swiss watch fits in perfectly.